The Weblog
Read this blog for information about the market!
Friendly Reminder--Order period ending Monday April 11 @ 10 pm
Hello everyone,
Just a friendly reminder to order if so inclined before the market closes tomorrow Monday April 11 at 10 pm. If you already ordered and have an order confirmation in your email account, you can disregard this message. ;)
Please email with any questions!
April Market Open!
Hello everyone,
It may not feel like spring yet with the cold weather we’ve been experiencing, but it’s time for the April Market!
We are excited to welcome Irina Hagar of Nature’s Touch to the market. She makes wonderful baked goods, using almost entirely certified organic ingredients, and her products include a variety of breads, energy cookies/bars, biscotti, crackers, and more.
Another exciting product is spinach from Rehoboth Homestead! Obviously this is hard to get in winter months, so it’s always a treat when it is available.
As always, there is a full complement of meats, cheeses, veggies, and more to choose from in the market! Make sure to browse through to see all the options available to enjoy.
Please note, the market will remain open until Monday April 11th at 10 pm.
Feel free to give me a call with any questions or email at
Look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday!
March is here!
Hi Everyone,
It’s a new month, which means it’s time for a new farmer’s market!
It seems there is lots of beef available, along with veggies like onions, celeriac, garlic, and more. There is also a sale on Candy onions.
Now’s the time to stock up on some cheese as well from North Country Creamery and Asgaard.
To add some sweetness to your spring, grab some honey from Rehoboth to sweeten everything naturally.
All this and more is available!
We look forward to seeing you—Happy March!
February Market Open!
Hello everyone,
Sorry for the lateness in opening the market this month—we have been very busy with the Empire State Games here in town, and I was competing so didn’t get a chance to open the ordering until now!
Rehoboth has some butternut squash and eggs available in addition to other offerings. Butternut squash is a common ingredient in pumpkin pie filling. Beth says she makes butternut pie without the crust, using a common pumpkin pie recipe. Great for those avoiding gluten and extra carbs. I personally have made “pumpkin pie” with butternut squash, and it’s even better than plain pumpkin pie in my opinion.
As always Asgaard has some great cheeses and yogurts available including Brie, Farmer’s Cheese, and Feta.
We are happy to welcome North Country Creamery, who has added several varieties of beef sausage to the market.
We will be closing the market on Tuesday morning at 10 am, so please get all orders in by then. Thank you as always for your business, and please email with any questions!
Reminder about Market Deadline
Hello everyone,
Hope you are enjoying the wintry weather!
Just a friendly reminder to please get all orders in by Monday at 7 pm. After that time the market will be closed for this month.
I look forward to seeing you all for market pickup on Wednesday afternoon!
January Market Open!
Hello Everyone,
Wow, what a difference a month makes. We went from an unseasonably warm December to a chilly January with plenty of snow and ice. It’s finally starting to feel like winter, and we’re happy to once again provide this Lake Placid Online Farmer’s Market option. You don’t have to go far to get excellent meat, veggies, cheeses and more from your local farmers!
Asgaard Farm is pleased to offer plenty of pork this week, ground and different varieties of sausage. This is in addition to their popular cheeses, soap, caramels, and other offerings like ground goat.
Beth from Rehoboth is happy to have greens like spinach and kale available, as well as staples like eggs and honey. There are also some squashes left, along with different varieties of potatoes and chicken.
We look forward to seeing you, and encourage you to email us at with any questions!??
Happy ordering!
December Market Now Open!
Hello everyone,
Happy December! There was a bit of snow in Lake Placid, and it’s finally starting to feel more like winter. With winter comes the Holiday season, and time to spend time with loved ones and enjoy delicious farm fresh local food. While all of the items on sale are wonderful and high quality, here are some recommended items to start the holiday season off right.
Looking for a gift? Rehoboth’s honey is some of the best I’ve ever tasted, and beautiful. It has not been heated to prevent crystallization or to make pouring into jars easier, so retains its natural healthy enzymes. When it crystallizes it is actually easier to use. We use wide-mouth canning jars so you can just use a dinner knife to scoop some out and spread – no drips!!!! It is not crystallized yet, but being natural it will. Beth from Rehoboth considers that a good thing, as long as it is in a straight-sided jar.
Rehoboth Sale Notice!
Rehoboth Homestead has their wonderfully sweet Candy onions on half price sale. These are great, but not long keepers so she wants to get them frozen or eaten. Some of them are developing a mushy ring or two as they age. Beth says it is hard to tell without cutting them open. Some she set aside for their use thinking they would have mushy rings and they were perfect. Others feel hard and perfect and have a mushy interior ring. Beth says she just scoops the mushy ring out, rinses the rest, and slices it for use. Chopped onion freezes really well. For county fair, the 4-H moms chopped and froze onions for Michigans, and when thawed the onions were “fresh” and crisp.This may be the last month for lettuce. Rehoboth Homestead has packs of wonderful teenage lettuce. She has seven varieties in her hoophouse, and gives you three different types in a bag. She also has lettuce salad mix.
Aasgard also has great products available as always. Why not buy some handmade caramels or soap for stocking stuffers?
Aasgard Sale Notice!
And for that holiday party appetizer, take advantage of their December buy one get one free deal on creamy Barkeater Buche & Whiteface Mountain cheeses!Please place all orders by Monday at 5 pm, at which time the market will be closed so as to give the farmers time to put together their orders in time for Wednesday’s order pick up day at Lake Placid Skate Shop.
Hope to see you for the market, and as always feel free to email any questions to
Have a good weekend!
Happy November--the Market is Now Open!
Hello Everyone,
Hope you are all well and enjoying the lovely (and, in the case of the last few days, warmer than usual) Autumn weather we’ve been having!
After a hiatus, the farmer’s market has started again, just in time for Thanksgiving! Now’s the time to stock up on some items for your family feast, or just because it’s your favorite foods fresh from your local farmers.
We did make a few changes during the hiatus. The small change is the template of the market, which is now decked out in fall colors to celebrate the autumn season. The big change is that payment is now via credit card at checkout to streamline the accounting for the market and make it easier for everyone. It’s a very simple process where you add a credit card, then when returned to your cart for checkout, select that preferred credit card for payment. So then there’s no need to bring money to the market, all you need is to pick up your items on Wednesday afternoon at the Lake Placid Skate Shop (2647 Main Street, across from the Olympic Oval and Olympic Center in Lake Placid).
Here are some exciting new items on sale this market:
Sweet potatoes—medium and large. Perfect for Thanksgiving dinner!
Rutabagas—another excellent autumn/winter treat.
Carrots—A lovely addition to soups and stews as the season gets chilly!
Squash—I know in my house, we love our squash. Butternut and honey nut can even be used in pies “pumpkin pie style” but they are also fantastic baked, sautéed, or mashed.
Kale—A super food! An easy way to add greens to your diet; make smoothies with them, add them to salad, sautée them, steam them….they are a versatile and nutritious treat.
CHEESE!—Asgaard has several different varieties of goat cheese, which can be a perfect appetizer for your Thanksgiving feast; they also have home-made caramels and meat available in the market.
Of course, see the list below for a full listing of items available at this market!
Hope to see you Wednesday, and happy shopping!
Market Manager
No October Market, mark your calendars for the November Market!
Hi everyone,
As you might have assumed, we will not be having an October market. We are currently in the process of establishing a new payment system; I am not at the Skate Shop much anymore (I started a new job) so we are working on creating a system that is easier and more efficient for anyone. We expect the system to be an online payment system, and we will be in touch when this is established with information on how to pay for your orders with this new method.
We look forward to seeing you and thank you for your patience. The next Market is November 6-11, so please note the dates and watch your email as it gets closer for info on the new payment system and a listing of available items!
P.S.—If you are on Facebook, please like our page at Lake Placid Online Farmer’s Market!
No September Market
Hi everyone,
Happy Labor Day!
As you might have guessed, we will not be having a September Market, and hope to resume in October. Please watch your emails, I will email when we plan to resume. Thank you for your business!