The Weblog

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Spring/Summer Schedule

Hello everyone!

I hope you have been enjoying the beautiful weather the past few days.

As I told those of you who ordered at the last market, I am excited to announce that this year we are continuing the Market through what used to be our “hiatus” (May-September). The new dates for spring and summer are as follows:

April 29 2016 – May 4th 2016

June 3 2016 – June 8 2016

July 1 2016 – July 6 2016

August 5 2016 – August 10 2016

September 2 2016 – September 7 2016

As always, we are trying to grow the Market and provide more of what you like. If you have any suggestions for a local farmer you’d like to see in the market, or a certain product, please email me and I can try to incorporate those requests.

Some of you also shared that you wanted to share this information with your friends…and now you have two ways to do this!

You can forward my “Market is Open” blog posts via email to a friend to see what’s available.

If a friend wants to sign up to receive information from us, they can use our handy new subscription bar at the top of the page to provide their name and email address. They will then be added to an email list (we never share this list with anyone, I promise!) and will then receive the blog posts.

When and if a reader decides they want to order, they will need to sign up for a free account on this page. No need to enter credit card information until you decide to place an order! When you register as a user, you automatically receive any correspondence as well.

As always, if you have any questions, please email me at
