
Rehoboth Homestead

Website: rhomestead.com

Rehoboth Homestead is a small farm, a “market garden” with pastured chickens, ducks, geese, and pampered pigs on Jabez Allen Road and Route 9 in Peru, New York.

At Rehoboth Homestead, we take the stewardship of the land and animals entrusted to us seriously. We follow organic production standards as a minimum in our vegetable production, but are not certified because the paperwork required is overwhelming for the number of crops we grow. Our animals are fed certified organic feed and get lots of table scraps, garden veggies, and wildlife that they get while ranging around.

We are primarily a CSA membership farm, but now have a summer farmstand and participate in this lakeplacid.locallygrown.net market to serve additional people great tasting, healthy food.

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